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Mindfulness & Social Action
A transcribed talk given by Michael designed into a beautiful booklet. Michael described this talk as a manifesto for how to talk about spirituality in a post-metaphysical age, used a PowerPoint presentation (the slides are included in the e-book) and said it linked together some of his clearest ideas of the time.
This is a large collection of Michael’s talks that have been transcribed by community members (including a few French and Spanish translations), as well as interviews and articles both with and by Michael. There is also a beautiful, downloadable e-book designed and produced by students.
Out of all of the texts these three are the most popular:
Books that Michael wrote, edited, or contributed to are on the Books page.

Lotus Sutra 19: The End is Forgiveness
The Lotus Sutra violates all of our ideas about space and time. The second half of the text lays a particular emphasis on the idea that it isn’t necessary to perfect yourself to become a Buddha. The chants, the prayers,

Lotus Sutra 18: Situational Ethics
The Lotus Sutra is forever promising that the Lotus Sutra will be taught, but it never happens. It is promised, remembered, its benefits extolled, its virtues highlighted, but the thing itself is missing. This teaching is about an emanation that

Lotus Sutra 17: Buddha Never Disparaging
The experience of impermanence invites our endless imagination. The real meaning of no-self is an exalted self-form. We all have self-forms that we need to be taken care of. If we could only see how interconnected our lives are, we

Lotus Sutra 16: The Empty Room
Sometimes when I’m sitting in meditation, when I’m sitting here with you, I’m an empty room and the wind is blowing into it, and the wind is blowing out of it. The wind of the breath. It’s just there, it’s

Lotus Sutra 15: Emptiness and the Necessary Obstacle
I thought we’d begin with one of the most dramatic moments in Buddhist literature. It’s a scene that I used to imagine taking place in a kind of palace, where the candles would throw large flickering shadows on the walls

Lotus Sutra 14: You Were Happy
Sick Kids R Us Children have taken the poison of dukkha and have lost their senses. They are trapped in delusion. Even when the father, whom the children love and respect, prepares medicine, only some of them take it, the

Lotus Sutra 13: Bodhisattva Vow
Addictions Suffering is caused by the stories we’re addicted to. Maybe we just need to give our addictions a decent burial. When you try to resolve your crisis the resolution becomes the new crisis. Room Response What if you walked

Lotus Sutra 12: Girl Buddha
Dancing In The Lotus Sutra, whenever people start to wake up they start dancing. It’s nice to be part of a lineage that insists on dancing. Emma Goldman (proto-feminist, writer, activist) thought so too. “At the dances I was one

Lotus Sutra 11: Nemesis
There is a treasure tower, a stupa, that appears floating in the sky every time the Lotus Sutra is being delivered. Michael met a mensch on the plane who said, “The tower is there because the fear of death hovers

Lotus Sutra 10: Imagination
The arhats – those perfectly enlightened beings who had sat with the Buddha, tirelessly meditating, extending benevolence and kindness to others with every breath – offer a parable about themselves to the Buddha. They are like a man who gets

Lotus Sutra 9: Treasure
At the beginning of this chapter, the one that promises treasure, Purna is excited that he’s hearing such beautiful teachings. The Buddha says to the sangha: Now this Purna in the past diligently practiced the way under a thousand million

Lotus Sutra 8: Facing the Face
Breathing as Listening Can you listen to The Lotus Sutra through your breath? Using the medium of your breath, letting it float into you on currents of cool air, instead of using the analytical part of yourself, the inner autopsy
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