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Mindfulness & Social Action

A transcribed talk given by Michael designed into a beautiful booklet. Michael described this talk as a manifesto for how to talk about spirituality in a post-metaphysical age, used a PowerPoint presentation (the slides are included in the e-book) and said it linked together some of his clearest ideas of the time.

This is a large collection of Michael’s talks that have been transcribed by community members (including a few French and Spanish translations), as well as interviews and articles both with and by Michael. There is also a beautiful, downloadable e-book designed and produced by students.

Out of all of the texts these three are the most popular:

Books that Michael wrote, edited, or contributed to are on the Books page.

Beginner’s Mind

Beginner’s Mind 3: Appreciation

Isn t that a wonderful and simple thing Brown rice practice Simple Nothing added Are we here to gain enlightenment Are we here to be free Or are we here to appreciate our lives Or is there a difference <

Beginner’s Mind

Beginner’s Mind 2: Spare Time (Hahahaha)

Zen can be quite a performance sometimes. Especially when the teacher is letting one fireball after another out of their mouth. But Shunryu Suzuki (author of Beginners Mind, Zen Mind) speaks in a more modest way. When he’s done there’s

Beginner’s Mind

Beginner’s Mind 1: Taking Care of Each Other

Prologue to Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunryu Suzuki In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. People say that practicing Zen is difficult, but there is a misunderstanding as to why. It

My Practice, My Snake

My Practice, My Snake

The Buddha famously compared his teachings to a snake. A snake? My dharma, he said, is like an elephant, like a raft, like a city. Like a snake. He is speaking in the language of his time. It’s fourth century

The Secret of Pleasure

The Secret of Pleasure

1st Prelude Sometimes my unconscious puts the breaks on and says: let’s stop here. For the last month, it’s been 14th century France. Every dream is set in a small village, and the really cool thing is that I finally

Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara

Include Everything by Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara

Today I want to speak to you about the koan, “Seizei, A Poor Monk.” Seizei, a monk, once said to Master Sozan, “I am poor and destitute. I beg you, oh Master, please help me and make me rich.” Sozan

Creative Engagement by Martine Batchelor

Creative Engagement by Martine Batchelor

I would like to look at grasping and non-grasping and what I would call creative engagement. Yesterday we were talking about nama factors, omnipresent factors, we won’t go into the details because it’s a little technical, but what is very

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart, Mark Epstein

Can a parent leave their child alone without abandoning them This unstructured and unintegrated state of mind is the foundation of all healing The defensive nature of most of our mental activity We build up our selves out of our

Life is But a Dream by Simone Moir

I m a Gestalt psychotherapist Yoga practitioner and teacher a meditator and I run a space called the Parkdale Prana Room a bodymind therapy and practice space I studied in the Tibetan Shambhala tradition and this influence will likely show

Digesting the Dharma 4 by Simone Moir

Notes on a talk given by Simone Moir at the Centre of Gravity on October 22, 2013. There is a position open for you at any time you choose it. It is not a teaching position at a new yoga