

Mindfulness of Breathing Part 6

Michael talks on finding the sane part of the breath, seeing how all thoughts pivot around a construct of “me,” and how to cultivate a non-reactive mind. Also, the way there are many conditions that give rise to depression or


Mindful Breathing Part 5 (Anapanasati)

Michael goes into detail about emptiness, working with shame, connecting with the emotional body in order to transform traumatic scars, and how to connect with the depth of the breathing body with concentration and safety. Also, how reconciliation does not


Mindful Breathing Part 4 (Anapanasati)

Michael maps out how meditation based on concentration can bring intense pleasure and joy (piti) and how for some students these levels of concentration (jhana) can reveal deeper levels of holding and/or old trauma. Then he details how trauma works:


Stabilizing Ourselves In The Digital Age

A public lecture about the effect of phones, the internet, and digital media on our minds and relationships. Michael offers very practical tools for managing our minds in an era of information overload.


Mindful Breathing Part 3 (Anapanasati)

Michael maps out the first two levels of concentration (jhanas); the importance of not being too awake; and a very different approach to working with strong emotions like anger but leaving it alone.

Ethics, Day 2

Ethics, Day 2

Michael: I wanted to talk about the first aspect of the first precept we’re exploring. The precept of ahimsa or non-violence, or not having the intention to cause harm. One of the ways I’ve been translating it lately is not


Mindful Breathing Part 2 (Anapanasati)

Michael explains the first level of concentration that emerges when the mind settles (first jhana). Also: distinguishing concentration from mindfulness in the Buddhist and Yoga Sutra traditions.


Mindful Breathing Part 1 (Anapanasati)

Michael offers instruction on the Buddha’s teachings of mindfulness on the breath: learning how to let the breath be natural; what happens when joy arises and various energies appear in the body during deeper levels of concentration; and how to


Chanting For Ill And Dying Species

Chanting for Ill and Dying Species. On the last night of silent retreat in Cubjac, France, the community chanted outdoors for all ill and dying species. Based on a traditional Buddhist chant for humans, we translated it for other living


Species Chant

Led by Jennifer Whitney and community, a recording of evening chanting for dying animals and vegetation.



Rose Riccio gives her first dharma talk on retreat exploring the Ox-herding images and how there are 84,000 gates into practice, and you only have to enter one.

About the Community Library

Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.

Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.
