Love & Shadow in the Occupy Movement

This video is a taste of the upcoming feature documentary, Occupy Love. This is a community funded film. Help us rush this film to the theatres and onto the streets. We know we have something amazing on our hands, that can be of great service in this time of enormous transformation, this time of enormous crisis. Thank you for your support. Love is the movement!

Shot on Nov 6, 2011 at Occupy Vancouver

“We are cultivating intimacy, that’s arising out of difference. This the spark that I would call Love. And it’s what’s carrying us, and what’s warming us up. And it’s the reason why we’re going to win.”


Well, I think the Occupy movement has everything to do with finding ways to take all the parts of our society that have been compartmentalized and integrating them back into our awareness.

So at an ecological level, this is recognizing that an economy that is predatory and growth based is not just causing trouble at an economic level, it’s also causing trouble at an ecological level. So we have to include ecology, which is the shadow of our capitalistic economy, as part of the dialogue around what this movement is trying to re-imagine.

At a social level there are parts of our society that we have compartmentalized. And so one of the things that is happening in parks like this and squares all over the world, is that when various people come together, then they show each paradigm that we adhere to’s shadow. So if I have a certain ideology and someone else has a certain ideology, we have to learn how to communicate.

So I think the Occupy movement is the springing back into consciousness of the things that we’ve discarded. And we need them. The 1% need us, you know. And the fish need us and the forests need us and the parts of our community that we haven’t been communicating with, need us. And all this is coming to the surface now and that’s what so exciting and that’s also why it’s hard to get a handle on exactly what this is.

This is just the beginning of a movement of inclusion. There’s always a natural resistance to stillness and a natural resistance to new patterns of imagination, primarily because there is a human resistance to change. We like getting in a groove and staying in that groove and so naturally as this resistance grows in momentum, there are going to be people who actively repress it because it is threatening.

Social change doesn’t happen just through persuasion. It doesn’t happen through small sound bites. And it also doesn’t happen through Twitter. IT HAPPENS BY REALLY PUTTING OUR BODIES HERE, FACE TO FACE WITH OTHERS AND MAKING CHANGE BY LISTENING AND DREAMING TOGETHER. Love is not just a feeling; it’s what emerges when we give each other our face, when we give each other our attention, when we give each other the space to really listen to a diversity of viewpoints.

I think so often we talk about difference as something we have to tolerate but what’s happening in the Occupy movement through the human microphone, the general assembly, committees, feeding people, the development here of a gift economy … is that in the process we’re cultivating intimacy that is arising out of difference and that intimacy is this spark, that I would call LOVE. AND IT’S WHATS CARRYING US AND IT’S WHATS WARMING US UP AND IT’S THE REASON WHY WE ARE GOING TO WIN.