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Mindfulness & Social Action
A transcribed talk given by Michael designed into a beautiful booklet. Michael described this talk as a manifesto for how to talk about spirituality in a post-metaphysical age, used a PowerPoint presentation (the slides are included in the e-book) and said it linked together some of his clearest ideas of the time.
This is a large collection of Michael’s talks that have been transcribed by community members (including a few French and Spanish translations), as well as interviews and articles both with and by Michael. There is also a beautiful, downloadable e-book designed and produced by students.
Out of all of the texts these three are the most popular:
Books that Michael wrote, edited, or contributed to are on the Books page.

No Priests, No Temples: Yoga and the Practice of Change featured in Briarpatch Magazine
Many activists practice yoga, but few would describe their yoga practice as a form of activism or treat their activism as an expression of their yoga practice. Michael Stone is working to change that. An unapologetic misfit in almost any

Meditations at the ringed fence around G20 Toronto
When I search for an image to describe the core of my spiritual practice, the one that presses up through the other narratives of my life is this one: June 26, 2010, carrying my six-year-old son away from a burning

Day One: Ethics
First Words This course that you’re about to undertake is a practice, and the way that I think about practice is that it takes your ideals – and all of us here probably have some high ideals – and actually

Feed the Yogi
RS: What does it mean to have a yoga practice that includes all aspects of daily life and how does one go about making that happen or being mindful of that? MS: So many people define yoga as a verb.

Anarchy of Yoga
An interview by Christopher McCann, Ascent Magazine, 2007 With a background in psychology & a dedication to yoga tradition, Michael Stone is poised to become an important voice in yoga. Michael Stone and I walk through his backyard toward the

The Yoga-Sutra as Practice: Michael Stone in Conversation with Chip Hartranft
Michael Stone goes to Boston to meet with Chip Hartranft and discuss his stellar translation of the Yoga-Sutra in an in-depth interview about the psychology of awakening and the many misunderstandings in the core teachings of Yoga.
Support the Library
The Community Library will continue as long as we have supporters. The more support we have, the more we can ensure that the teachings Michael left behind can be available for free to anyone in the world.