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Mindfulness & Social Action
A transcribed talk given by Michael designed into a beautiful booklet. Michael described this talk as a manifesto for how to talk about spirituality in a post-metaphysical age, used a PowerPoint presentation (the slides are included in the e-book) and said it linked together some of his clearest ideas of the time.
This is a large collection of Michael’s talks that have been transcribed by community members (including a few French and Spanish translations), as well as interviews and articles both with and by Michael. There is also a beautiful, downloadable e-book designed and produced by students.
Out of all of the texts these three are the most popular:
Books that Michael wrote, edited, or contributed to are on the Books page.

Bodhisattva 4: Going Out on a Limb
Notes on a talk by Michael Stone January 29, 2012 Upside Down There’s an old Zen saying: The whole world is upside down. At least, from an ordinary perspective. What we think of as permanent turns out to be impermanent.

Bodhisattva 3: Sunk Cost
Notes on a talk by Michael Stone at the Centre of Gravity, Toronto, January 22, 2012. Listening Nada Yoga means sitting and opening to sound, to whatever sound is arising and passing away. “The pranayama and mudra techniques in hatha

Bodhisattva 2: The Village Writes
My talk at Centre of Gravity, Toronto, January 15, 2012 Author So we’ve started looking at this old Indian text from the 8th century called, in English, “A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life.” When I pick up this

Yoga Sutra 17: Scars and Patterns
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Ease

Yoga Sutra 16: Occupy Questions
Rooms of Change Rooms of Change is an Occupy-inspired project that brings questions to humanimal shoppers inside change rooms in malls. Written on stickers, these questions help bring shoppers back to their bodies, senses, hearts and minds. Change rooms are

Yoga Sutra 15: Museum of Silence
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Xmas

Yoga Sutra 14: Shamanism by Theodore Tsaousidis
Notes on a talk by TT at Centre of Gravity, 180 Sudbury Street, Toronto. Spring 2011. The Call Standing in a circle of darkness Eyes facing the four directions Relinquishing this body of flesh and bone Don’t you know Lightning

Yoga Sutra 13: We Only Protect What We Love by Mike Hoolboom
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Barbara

Yoga Sutra 12: Loving Kindness
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Chip

Yoga Sutra 11: Super Powers
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. I’m

Yoga Sutra 10: Speaking of Language
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Somewhere

Yoga Sutra 9: Ego Tourism
A series of talks by Michael Stone about chapter 3 of The Yoga Sutra a text written by mysterious author(s) often named Patanjali in the second century. Notes by MH include reveries and imaginings. Centre of Gravity Fall 2011. Ends
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