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The joke used to be that every time Michael opened his mouth what he said was archived here. We couldn’t be more grateful for that now because it is one of the best ways Michael’s teachings will live on.
The Awake in the World Podcast is the heart of the Community Library. Talks are on a wide-range of topics, including: bringing mindfulness and meditation practice into daily life; personal and community issues regarding mental health; and social change.
This podcast has been created so that anyone can have instant access to Michael’s teachings. It has been made possible due to generous donations from members of the community. In the six years that the podcast has been available, over half a million people have pressed play as a way to be more—like the name says—awake in the world.
Each podcast is between 30-60 minutes long. As always, you’re encouraged to follow along weekly as part of your practice. The podcasts were recorded at live events so you might hear coughing, airplanes, cars, sirens, laughter, and peoples’ questions—all part of the intimate experience.

Best of Awake in the World: Just this is it
In this Best of Awake in the World episode, we join Michael and Sanga on retreat at the Christine Center in Wisconsin. Michael shares a Zen story in which a teacher describes his teaching as “Just This Is It,” sparking

Best of Awake in the World: Heaven Realms, Hell Realms, And Protection
Today’s Best of episode follows along with a talk from Michael recorded on the first day of a retreat back in February 2016 at Chapin Mill, New York. In this 50-minute session, Michael explores the practice of walking meditation and

Best of Awake in the World: We Practice Because We Forget
Michael also reflects on the profound reality of human suffering, pointing out how the existence of prisons and the suffering within them calls into question the true freedom we experience. He shares the unsettling statistic that the USA has the

Best of Awake in the World: Home Base: Guided Meditation (20 min.) on Mindfulness of Thinking
In this episode of Best of Awake in the World, Michael leads a 20-minute guided meditation focusing on mindfulness of thinking. This practice invites listeners to gently observe their thoughts without judgment or attachment. Perfect for those looking to enhance

Best of Awake in the World: Allowing For Experience: Practicing Non-Separation
0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x [0:00][00:58:38] Best of Awake in the World: Allowing For Experience: Practicing Non-Separation Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedShare Leave a ReviewListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSubscribe via RSSSpotify The Awake in the World podcast is brought

Best of Awake in the World: Mindfulness of Mental States
In this Best of Awake in the World, Michael explores how mind states are not inherently fixed; you can hold mind states lightly; moods are phenomena, not who you are, and; you can sculpt your attitude.

Best of Awake in the World: Not Identifying with Your Moods
In this Best of episode Michael explores how to become interested in how the mind functions rather than being caught in the content of our stories. Meditation is a physical practice and we use breathing to settle the mind and

Labeling And Noting Thoughts
In this Best of episode Michael explores language and emotions in children and how this gets internalized in adults. How to meditate when we are thinking too much with a very clear talk on mindfulness practices for transforming overthinking and

Best of Awake in the World: Why Can’t the Tail Get Through?
In this Best of episode Michael examines how even despite our progress in spiritual practice, there’s often a sense that something is lacking. Perhaps nirvana involves facing challenges without resorting to defence mechanisms or succumbing to burnout. Michael also offers

Best of Awake in the World: When You Have No One, No One Can Hurt You
In this Best of episode Michael discusses the topics of loneliness, the power of focused attention, and the significance of small ideas that can connect and foster the creation of a new culture.

Best of Awake in the World: Speaking Up, Resilience, Non-Grasping
A talk by Michael on how even the best meditators have old wounds that need attention. He talks about how we need support for working with old patterns of our psychology that spiritual practices may not reach.

Best of Awake in the World: Your Inner Child Never Grows Up!
A talk by Michael on how even the best meditators have old wounds that need attention. He talks about how we need support for working with old patterns of our psychology that spiritual practices may not reach. Recorded Nov 09,
Support the Library
The Community Library will continue as long as we have supporters. The more support we have, the more we can ensure that the teachings Michael left behind can be available for free to anyone in the world.