
Whatever is Needed
Michael talks about dukkha, self-care, and activism. He also describes several kinds of burnout and some methods to prevent being afflicted by them.

Starting with Dogen’s Self-Portrait, Michael explores different ways of viewing self-hood and argues for a “useful” doubt in respect to the self (not the kind that leads to indecision, but the kind that opens us up to new possibilities).

The Whisk, the Staff, Three Heads and Eight Arms
In this talk Michael unpacks Dogen’s essay on The Time Being and argues that an unhealthy relationship with time can be one of our biggest discontents.

The Problem is the Wanting
Micheal explores the difficulty of being immersed in a culture of desire, our tendency to want to be something other than what we are, and our notion that practice is going to get us somewhere.

Anxiety & Meditation
This week we’re revisiting a favourite Awake in the World podcast episode. Michael explains how we can cultivate a field in which anxiety can arise and change, surrounded by spaciousness. We have forces of good inside us, we aren’t fated

The Center of the Storm is Calm
In this talk on the Yoga Sutra Michael highlights the fluctuations of consciousness, kaivalya, and four kinds of nirodha.

Best of Awake in the World: My Body is My Teacher Now
This week we’re revisiting a favourite Awake in the World podcast episode. How to not leave your body, even when it feels untrustworthy. We can always turn to the body in pain, grief, and even in altered states of consciousness.

Three Principles of Peacemaking
This talk explores Bernie Glassman’s guiding principles for taking practice into daily life: not knowing, bearing witness and taking loving action.

Without Holding On
Michael guides a meditation on the breath, with an emphasis on letting go of grasping.

Only Fools Understand Yoga
In this talk Michael describes ujjayi breathing as a meditative practice, explains that the goal of yoga is not samadhi, and argues that “realization” automatically cycles back to the yamas—and demands action in response to suffering in the world.

Are Stiff People Less Awake?
Michael speaks about the eight limbs of Ashtanga and how to practice them. He argues for the importance of a sitting practice as well as asana. (Unfortunately the last half of this talk failed to record, so it ends abruptly).

Best of Awake in the World: Not Being Possessive and the Gift of Fearlessness
This week we’re revisiting a favourite Awake in the World podcast episode. Michael Stone gives a talk during the ethics course about the precept of Aparigraha, and using our imagination.
About the Community Library
Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.
Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.