

Hope Without Optimism

On Silent Retreat Michael Stone explores the Zen koan “Why Can’t the Tail Pass Through” along with thoughts on hope, optimism, and despair. He describes “mindfulness as a political tool” and how we don’t need a revolution, we need “embodied,


Waking The Political Body

Pascal Auclair co-teaches with Michael and explores the work of Joanna Macy and Aung San Suu Kyi and the work that reconnects.


Transforming Pain

Michael begins teaching on the Two Darts and explains how physical and emotional pain are connected and how when we feel physical pain (first dart) it’s followed by a mental response (second dart). Then Michael teaches a guided meditation that

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 19: The End is Forgiveness

The Lotus Sutra violates all of our ideas about space and time. The second half of the text lays a particular emphasis on the idea that it isn’t necessary to perfect yourself to become a Buddha. The chants, the prayers,

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 18: Situational Ethics

The Lotus Sutra is forever promising that the Lotus Sutra will be taught, but it never happens. It is promised, remembered, its benefits extolled, its virtues highlighted, but the thing itself is missing. This teaching is about an emanation that

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 17: Buddha Never Disparaging

The experience of impermanence invites our endless imagination. The real meaning of no-self is an exalted self-form. We all have self-forms that we need to be taken care of. If we could only see how interconnected our lives are, we

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 16: The Empty Room

Sometimes when I’m sitting in meditation, when I’m sitting here with you, I’m an empty room and the wind is blowing into it, and the wind is blowing out of it. The wind of the breath. It’s just there, it’s


Practicing With The Devil

Practice is the opening of a path and letting go of rigid opinions. Michael’s final talk on the Kayagatasati Sutta on understanding the role of Mara in practice. Mara is our inability to transcend our fixed perspectives. Mara is a


The Jhanas

Michael explains the basics of Jhana practices (4 stages of concentration) based on the the Kayagatasati Sutta in a workshop in Madison, Wisconsin. In stillness the landmarks for how we understand our lives are not there. Michael explores the maps

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 15: Emptiness and the Necessary Obstacle

I thought we’d begin with one of the most dramatic moments in Buddhist literature. It’s a scene that I used to imagine taking place in a kind of palace, where the candles would throw large flickering shadows on the walls

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 14: You Were Happy

Sick Kids R Us Children have taken the poison of dukkha and have lost their senses. They are trapped in delusion. Even when the father, whom the children love and respect, prepares medicine, only some of them take it, the

Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra 13: Bodhisattva Vow

Addictions Suffering is caused by the stories we’re addicted to. Maybe we just need to give our addictions a decent burial. When you try to resolve your crisis the resolution becomes the new crisis. Room Response What if you walked

About the Community Library

Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.

Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.
