The Three Levels of Ethics: Literal, Compassionate, Koan
Recorded on April 7, 2011, on one of the last days of the 6-month ethics course. Following chanting the Heart Sutra, five students present on the five ethical values of the course, and then Michael discusses three ways of thinking
Lotus Sutra, Part 6: The Parable of the Prodigal Son
A son leaves his father and 50 years later the father finds ways of healing the son’s low self-esteem. You don’t have to be good or walk on your knees for a hundred miles, just love what you love.
Lotus Sutra, Part 5: Upaya & The Parable of the Burning House
Michael begins by discussing death and Japan’s earthquake. Using the image of the burning house and a father trying to save his children, he teaches how we need to leave our burning houses on our own steam, nobody can do
Preview of The Inner Tradition of Yoga, Revised Edition
In this new edition, I’ve edited any areas where I’ve idealized a liberation that’s free from the suffering of being human. There is no way beyond this human life. Yoga is a practice that helps us be more present with
Life Doesn’t Give Up
Our oldest child, who now calls himself Dolphin, told me recently that everyone dies and everything changes but it’s ok because girls keep having babies. Life doesn’t give up, he added, brain splittingly. In moments like these, his depth swallows
Making Practice Matter
Making Practice Matter is a compilation of two dharma talks by Michael Stone. Together they address the theme of how practice can bring us more fully into this contemporary time and place.
Lotus Sutra, Part 4 (Q & A)
Question and answer period with Michael after his talk on the Lotus Sutra, Part 4. None of the teachings are true! Even the ones about your own life.
Lotus Sutra, Part 4
Michael talks about Fukushima, Libya, and how lucky we are to practice in a place that is safe. The talk outlines how Mahayana Buddhism developed after the death of the Buddha with an emphasis on serving others and putting off
In Praise of Copying by Marcus Boon
Contemporary debates about intellectual property and the practices of meditation and yoga are both built around a questioning of ideas of property, ownership, self and other. In this talk, Marcus Boon, writer, journalist and Professor of English at York University
Everything Changes
When we return and stay connected to our breath, we let things come and go. None of these things, we start to see, belong to us. They come from the situation of this moment and then they pass away and
Not Being Possessive and the Gift of Fearlessness
Michael gives a talk during the in-person ethics course about the precept of aparigraha and using our imagination. Recorded at Centre of Gravity, Toronto, on March 17, 2011.
Lotus Sutra, Part 3 – Skill and Wisdom
It’s not enough that our intentions are clear, our actions need to make a difference. Being a Bodhisattva means serving all beings including one’s self, yet this can only occur when we see all beings as Buddhas.
About the Community Library
Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.
Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.