

Take Care of the Fabric

When things rupture, the mind can do two things. It can grasp, or release. Both are healthy nervous system responses. We can work with both. In stillness, the vitality animating us is right there, expressing itself moment to moment. Even


Loneliness and Impermanence

Michael explores the bleakness of loneliness, the puzzle of modern isolation, and how to work with being alone and feeling lonely.


Gratitude in Jewish and Buddhist Practice

Michael and Rabbi Miriam Margles co-teach a popular retreat integrating Jewish and Buddhist practice. Michael gives an afternoon talk reflecting on God, gratitude, mind, compassionate action, and the encounter between what can and can’t be talked about.


The Jew in the Lotus

Michael and Rabbi Miriam Margles discuss the intersection of Jewish practice and Buddhism. Rabbi Margles explores internalized antisemitism and Michael talks about his attempts to bring practice to issues like climate change, economic injustice and working with young people.


Adverse Effects in Meditation Practice

Neuroscientist Willoughby Britton, PhD. and Michael Stone, present a detailed workshop on dangers on the path. In this talk Dr. Britton explores loss of identity, gender difference in meditative effects, and questions about whether these signs and symptoms are progress


Mindfulness, Memory, and Fantasy

Looking at early Pali texts, Michael tries to recover the original and fuller meaning of mindfulness from its current usage in the west. “Mindfulness establishes the presence of the object and thereby makes it available to scrutiny and discernment.”


Lack, Impermanence and Not Self

During a workshop in France, Michael teaches on the 3 characteristics — a teaching found in both the yoga and Buddhist traditions. This talk is in both French and English.


Renunciation & Relationship, Talk 7

During a six day retreat in Copenhagen, Michael gives a series of talks based on Norman Fischer’s essay on the eight stages of relationship. Themes include love, betrayal, commitment, the dry stage, and letting go.


Renunciation & Relationship, Part 6

During a six day retreat in Copenhagen, Michael gives a series of talks based on Norman Fischer’s essay on the eight stages of relationship. Themes include love, betrayal, commitment, the dry stage, and letting go.

About the Community Library

Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.

Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.
