

Best of Awake in the World: Buddha’s Last Word

This week we’re revisiting a favourite Awake in the World podcast episode. In the Zen tradition, there is a saying, “Reaching the mystery is nothing but breaking through and grabbing an ordinary person’s life. The mystical experience turns out to


I Had to Stop Reading

In this talk Michael explores anatta (not-self) and emptiness as strategies versus “things.”He argues that sitting practice is required to get beyond language and investigate the habits of mind that obscure our understanding.


What Can You Do About the World?

In this talk Michael looks at the five kleshas and their corresponding cultural samskaras through the practice of working with a koan–an exercise in not knowing. He also describes Bernie Glassman and Grover Gauntt’s street retreats and their three guiding


Enter Here

This meandering talk starts with a story about “Entering the Way” and flows around asana practice, pranayama, the role of a teacher, the five kleshas and the importance of healthy doubt (the kind that comes with faith).


Mindfulness & Social Action (e-Book)

This talk was given by Michael in Vancouver on January 28, 2015. He described it as a manifesto for how to talk about spirituality in a post-metaphysical age, used a PowerPoint presentation (the slides are included in the e-book) and


Forever Jung (eBook)

A collection of notes on/transcripts of Michael’s dharma talk series on Carl Jung and meditation practice that we’ve designed into a beautiful booklet titled, Forever Jung.


Happiness: An Essay (eBook)

In 2016, Michael collaborated with designer Robin Yolanda Lamarr to create this beautiful e-book using his essay on happiness as a gift to the sangha. Today, we’re sharing it with our patrons as a thank you for your continued support.


Who Are You?

In this talk (on the first lines of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra) Michael explores the mistakes we make as we try to ground ourselves and construct identities based on stories, desires and fears.

About the Community Library

Michael was a great archivist and the Community Library was—and continues to be—a labour of love. Everything in the Community Library is available for free. Anyone, anywhere can have instant access to material that will help them deepen their practice and contribute to a culture of compassion and collaboration.

Libraries are places where we gather alone together. They are known to be places of refuge for seekers, as well as those who are marginalized. This library is no different. It helps us nourish our beautiful, international community without walls. Now, it will also help keep Michael’s legacy alive.
