Using Philip Whalen’s poem “Further Notice” for inspiration, Michael describes how to establish a consistent…
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The Neighbour’s Dog is Barking
In this Awake in the World podcast Michael begins by stating that “this practice is…
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Put Down Your Load
In this Awake in the World podcast Michael focuses on dukkha: how we create it…
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The Good Enough Meditator
In this Awake in the World podcast Michael highlights the hindrances to practice described in…
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Hope Lives in the Means, Not the End
In this Awake in the World podcast Michael begins with a passage by Wendell Berry…
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Your Life Is Your Life: What Nurtures You?
In this Awake in the World podcast episode, Michael begins with the poem “The Laughing…
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Patience is a Practice of Attunement
Long-term practice requires patience more than discipline. Practice frustrates our results oriented mind. You need…
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