The experience of impermanence invites our endless imagination. The real meaning of no-self is an…
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Lotus Sutra 16: The Empty Room
Sometimes when I’m sitting in meditation, when I’m sitting here with you, I’m an empty…
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Practicing With The Devil
Practice is the opening of a path and letting go of rigid opinions. Michael’s final…
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The Jhanas
Michael explains the basics of Jhana practices (4 stages of concentration) based on the the…
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Lotus Sutra 15: Emptiness and the Necessary Obstacle
I thought we’d begin with one of the most dramatic moments in Buddhist literature. It’s…
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Lotus Sutra 14: You Were Happy
Sick Kids R Us Children have taken the poison of dukkha and have lost their…
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Lotus Sutra 13: Bodhisattva Vow
Addictions Suffering is caused by the stories we’re addicted to. Maybe we just need to…
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Lotus Sutra 12: Girl Buddha
Dancing In The Lotus Sutra, whenever people start to wake up they start dancing. It’s…
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Lotus Sutra 11: Nemesis
There is a treasure tower, a stupa, that appears floating in the sky every time…
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Lotus Sutra 10: Imagination
The arhats – those perfectly enlightened beings who had sat with the Buddha, tirelessly meditating,…
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