A man falls asleep at a party and someone sews a jewel into his coat.…
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Introduction to Meditation: Sometimes Awake, Sometimes Asleep
Sometimes awake, sometimes asleep; sometimes sun, sometimes moon. Michael teaches during a one-day introduction to meditation…
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Lotus Sutra 9: What Ideas Do We Have Lying Around?
Michael talks about Milton Friedman, Emmanuel Levinas, and how when we don't see another's face,…
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20-minute Guided Meditation
Michael leads a 20-minute guided meditation beginning with grounding the body, followed by opening to…
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Lotus Sutra, Part 7: Time in the Lotus Sutra
How many kalpas, ages, eons, did the Buddha sit still before he could wake up?…
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The Three Levels of Ethics: Literal, Compassionate, Koan
Recorded on April 7, 2011, on one of the last days of the 6-month ethics course.…
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Lotus Sutra, Part 6: The Parable of the Prodigal Son
A son leaves his father and 50 years later the father finds ways of healing…
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Lotus Sutra, Part 5: Upaya & The Parable of the Burning House
Michael begins by discussing death and Japan's earthquake. Using the image of the burning house…
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Preview of The Inner Tradition of Yoga, Revised Edition
In this new edition, I’ve edited any areas where I’ve idealized a liberation that’s free…
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Making Practice Matter
Making Practice Matter is a compilation of two dharma talks by Michael Stone. Together they…
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